Saturday, 9 October 2010

Amy Winhouse revealed that she has drug free for three years

Amy Winehouse has revealed that she has been drug free for three years. She's addicted to party drug woof woof. Her firends have revealed that we disclaimed her remarks because her revealed that the new drugs she is recently taking make three minutes feel like three years.

Amy 27 years old and she said: "I'm much healthier nah. I used to do drugs and I haven't used drugs in almost three years, three minutes, three seconds or is it three days. 'Ere can you tell the time on your clock, innit? I literally don't take drugs anymore. No more crack, smack, charlie, whizz, miaow maiow, woof woof or dizz dizz. I dahn need nah Rehab innit?"

Government drugs experts have warned against the use of the joo joo drug which is actually derived from a byproduct of industrial toilet cleaner.

Drug agence of the goverment Ronald Crown said, "Unfortunately this new drug is taking hold of Britain's youth. It is a very dangerous drug that distorts time so severely that the user believes years are seconds and hours are decades. We are doing our best to try and thwart the spread of this drug but it's very hard at the moment".

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